It has been a fantastic trip thus far. We arrived on Friday night, just in time to catch some shut-eye before heading down to Norman for the game of the year--OU vs. Texas Tech. We stole my brother's tickets (don't worry, he did not miss his first game in 20 years for us--he was able to procure some more) and I got to show Ankur what a REAL football game is like. The crowd was electric, it was cold but not too cold, and the score of course was much to our liking, so it was a great day. (By the way--everyone should wear red tomorrow. Or at least not orange.)

At the game, we also had a classic Oklahoma moment: taking a picture in front of a stretch limo pickup truck. Awesome.
Sunday we went up to Tulsa to visit our old and wonderful friends, Zac and Julie. We got to see their beautiful new house (they are such real people!), and they gave us the VIP tour of the city. Despite the fact that both of my parents grew up Tulsa, we never spent a whole lot of time there as kids--at least, not outside of the grandparents' houses and the Coney Islander. So it really was a new experience for both of us. We saw the Giant Praying Hands, Riverside, Brookside (?), Utica Square, Harolds, the dive shop, the park where I took prom pictures that one time, and other Tulsa landmarks. We also ate coneys (no one in my family can go to Tulsa without eating coneys) and a scrumptious dinner at Lucky's, Z&J's favorite restaurant. (Oddly enough, while stopping at Starbucks to fuel Zac's caffeine addiction, we also ran into a guy we met in Rome!) It was great to spend time with two of my best friends, and great to add a city to the (very short) list of potential future homes.

Monday we went to another OKC Thunder game. It was a very exciting game--unfortunately, they gave up a 20 point lead and lost by one in the last seconds. Oh well. We'll get better. And we saw Shaq. In a suit. I wonder where he buys his suits.
Tuesday and Wednesday were largely spent preparing for Thursday, Turkey Day. Mom and I both came down with the death cold at the same time. As we were the ones preparing Thanksgiving dinner for 20, that was an unfortunate turn of events. I hope that nobody suffers ill effects from the bacteria pie.
Thursday we all medicated up and prepared for the onslaught of the W family. As always, Thanksgiving with the Ws was loud, rambunctious, drama-filled, and fantastic. We continued the tradition of Grandmother's standard low-calorie Thanksgiving meal for 25: turkey slow-cooked in cream-of-mushroom soup, stuffing, green bean casserole, rice, secret-recipe macaroni and cheese, brown and serve rolls, some needless filler vegetables, and gravy on top of everything. Then pumpkin pie with loads of whipped cream. And alcohol. Much alcohol. Then we started a fire. Then Aunt Liz walked into a door. And a good time was had by all.
We also had a few visitors for Thanksgiving. Karen, who is basically one of the family, and Michelle, a girl who lived in the house behind my grandmother and grew up with the W clan, came by, but they are used to us. We also had Ankur's sister, who came down from Kansas to experience her first real turkey day. I hope she doesn't convince Ankur to leave me. Finally, we had my potential future in-laws--if yesterday doesn't change their mind.

Today is Recovery Friday. We'll need it!
I hope you all had a warm, happy, and wonderful Thanksgiving too!