Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's started...

For those of you who are concerned about my complete lack of posting since Thanksgiving, I have only one word to say to you:


It's been busy. I have decided that no matter how sexy the work you are doing is, it is still work, and too much of it is still too much.

But I had to take a break from my self-imposed exile to comment on the latest bizarre news out of Washington.

Rick Warren will give the inaugural prayer.

Rick Warren? Seriously? The guy who compares abortion to the Holocaust (not that I'm defending abortion, but the Holocaust is not even close to the range of appropriate comparisons here), who thinks that my entire family of Jews and Catholics and Hindus are going to burn in hell (and seems somewhat gleeful about it), who thinks that gay marriage is on par with beastiality, who thinks that women should submit to their husbands--that Rick Warren?

I'm all for Democrats separating themselves from the image that we are the party of godless commies. I thought that Obama's election was a step in the right direction there. But this seems like a slap in the face to all of those people who believe that religion does not have to be a code word for bigotry and close-mindedness.

Maybe there's another Rick Warren out there.


Jack's Momma said...

I sure hope so...

Anonymous said...

ok, there's been a lot of bloggerly (and other) fury about Rick Warren, but that's by far the most succinct-yet-properly-wrathful thing I've read.

While it's continually annoying to see him getting any kind of legitimate recognition, it's nice to hear someone lambast him properly!