After sending my incredibly-good-sport-husband on a makeshift hunt for eggs--hardboiled, decorated with Sharpie, and hidden around the apartment--the two of us spent a lazy Sunday catching up with friends and family. Our chosen medium--Skype.
Now, I'm new at this Skype business. In fact, my grandmother--who has gone all the way from rotary phones and party lines to internet video phones--had to convince me to sign up for it. But she was right, as always--it's the coolest thing ever.
After taking showers and getting dressed so that we looked presentable enough to talk on the phone (*weird*), we started our morning speaking with the trendsetter herself. Among other things, we got to see the beautiful glass table my mother had made for her, and she got to comment on how much my hair had grown. From Florida. So cool!
While we were talking with Savta, my parents beeped in, wanting to talk (to "Skype"? Is there such a verb?). Apparently Savta has been after them about it too, so my tech-savvy brother set it up for them this weekend. As they have not yet been able to visit us in DC, they promptly requested a tour of our apartment. Now, I had thought to make sure we were properly clothed to talk on the internet phone (at least from the waist up), but I had neglected to anticipate the need for picking up the apartment. (The hidden flaw in the amazing Skype plan.) So Ankur stalled while I made the bed, and then we showed them around. Thanks to the internet, my mother gets to make sure I am cleaning my room, even while half a continent away.
Finally, and perhaps most amazing of all, we ended our Skype tour with a quick visit to Cousin Milap and family. In London. From across an ocean and six time zones, his mom got to inspect my tummy, see for herself that it was not expanding, and politely suggest that we get on with things.
So much family togetherness, from the comfort of our own living room! Indeed, our world is
amazing. (Seriously. Click on the link--you'll be glad.)
See you on Skype!