It is the biggest holiday of the year for Indians--Diwali, or the Festival of Lights. This festival is like Chanukkah (also the Festival of Lights), Christmas (the big, relatively secularized national holiday where families get together and eat a lot of sweets), New Year's Eve (tomorrow actually is the New Year in the Hindu calendar), the 4th of July (Diwali is usually celebrated with Fireworks, but the city of Topeka won't allow fireworks outside of the 4th of July), and everyone's anniversary (most businesses, new relationships, etc. are begun on a special day in the Diwali season, considered an auspicious day to buy gold and start new things--my engagement ring was purchased on this day)--all rolled into one big multi-day celebration. We are fortunate enough to be able to be in Kansas with the Indian half of our family this year, so we can join in the festivities!
We arrived on Saturday, just in time to change into our Indian finery and go to a Diwali show. The show was basically a talent show by the Indian community here, with singing, dancing, and skits. My mother-in-law sang a beautiful song--I was quite impressed with her skill and composure! There were also a number of traditional dances performed by small children who were learning to dance, which was incredibly cute. Afterwards, as at every other Indian event that I have attended, we had a big meal.
The next night we began the cycle of visiting families for Diwali. We actually have a dinner scheduled every night this week. I am always keenly aware of my status as the mzungu wife at these events, being the only non-Indian, non-Gujarati-speaking, non-chili-eating, etc., etc., person in the room. Everyone is more than kind to me, however, and I am sure that it will become easier with time. I am definitely getting an appreciation of how it feels to be a minority, however, and what my husband went through when he first came to America. Which is unquestionably good for me.
And with that, I must go join in the fun! Happy Diwali!
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