Friday, October 24, 2008

Off to see the wizard

We're going home! Hooray!

As we haven't seen either set of parents in a year, we figured it was time to head home for a longer visit (before I start work and am never heard from again). So we're off to Kansas tomorrow, and then to Oklahoma on Nov. 5. Our original plan was to head to Oklahoma on the 4th, but my father kindly informed us that we were not welcome in his home while the election results were coming in. I thought he was kidding. My mother informs me that he wasn't.

So ... speaking of election results ... if any of you who don't have an elephant shrine set up in your living room would like some company on November 4, please let us know!

In other news, we are basically unpacked from the move now, which is quite a relief. The boxes are gone, we have hung pictures, and our canned goods are nicely placed in their kitchen drawer (you read that right). We even had our very first houseguest, Pat, over for dinner yesterday. (Having learned our lesson from our first dinner party in South Bend, when I forgot to include the chicken in the "chicken pasta," Ankur cooked the salmon and I stuck to the salad and couscous.) I think this means we are officially DC residents now, even if we are not DC domiciliaries.

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