We are having a lovely (brilliant!) time in London. Before we arrived, cousin Milap kindly made a million arrangements for us. On Friday he took the day off work to come pick us up from the airport, get us settled in, and then take us on a lovely walk around the London countryside and to a proper English pub. We had a wonderful dinner at their home, and then we met up with another cousin at a bar and experienced a bit of the British drinking culture. We were extremely exhausted from the time change and our 3 AM wakeup for the debates, though, so we mostly observed.
Yesterday Milap showed us around central London. We saw Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben (we thought of you, Ben), 10 Downing Street, the changing of the cavalry guard, Trafalgar Square, and a bunch of other sights. We also went up in the London Eye, which was amazing! We then met the other cousins for lunch at wagamamas, per Jessica's suggestion, which we thoroughly enjoyed. So it was a great mix of experiencing London and getting to hang out with the family.
Last night we went to Seema and Aarif's, who kindly cooked us a lovely dinner, and we got to play with the kids. It was amazing how rambunctious two three year olds and a six month old were! It was a lot of fun, but it definitely made us appreciate how difficult parenthood is. It was also great to sit around after dinner and talk about the state of the world with some really great people. Then we went to stay at Sophie and Shirin's lovely home.
Today we mostly took it easy. Ankur and Shirin went to a football game (soccer, for all of you at home), and the girls stayed in. We went grocery shopping, and I picked up some British-only foods (Weetabix with chocolate, Malteesers, and "proper" baked beans) for Ankur. He talks all the time about these things that we just can't get in America, so hopefully he will be pleased. And I have found myself talking a bit like a Brit--I love their accent and quaint way of putting things. Ankur finds it hilarious as well.
This evening we had a wonderful dinner at Sophie and Shirin's. It was a lively group, with Rameshada (always full of energy and smiles), Sophie's mother- and father-in-law (her mom made the best prawns ever), Sophie and Shirin, Seema and Aarif, us, and the kids. Keira was so excited to be having a party, and she was so proud to help set the table. They even took out the fancy and beautiful dishes for the occasion! I got to hold Carys (the baby) for quite a bit, which was wonderful--I didn't even mind when she threw up all over my lap. =)
That's all for now--hope all is well!
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