Sunday, June 14, 2009

More ketchup

It’s been over a month since my last post, so this one is probably going to an audience of two. Unfortunately, the brain-fingers dream team has a limited number of coherent sentences that it can pump out in a day, and this month, each one of these sentences has been stolen by briefs and motions and white papers. But while the husband is off swimming 60 feet below where humans are meant to be and I therefore can’t concentrate on brief-writing, I thought I’d catch you up on some recent events in our lives.

Separate vacations. We’ve not even celebrated our second anniversary yet and we’re already taking independent trips. A strange confluence of events resulted in my mom coming to visit us in DC on the same week that Ankur went to Kansas to visit his parents. A good time was had by all in both places, though, and now our freezer is fully stocked with Matzah ball soup and Indian chicken. Hooray for moms. I then made my own single trip home a few weeks later, for some father-daughter bonding time at the Women’s College World Series. We’ve been going to this awesome event since before I could see over the railing in front of us, and even years later, it never fails to disappoint.

Together vacations. We finally converged for a short trip to Nashville to see our dear friend Kate get married. It was one of the very best weddings we’ve been to. The ceremony was touching, the bride stunning, the garden reception laid-back and fun while maintaining its elegance, and Kate’s family—all seven siblings of them—made us want to get started on a big brood of our own. (Of course, when we spent all day Saturday working in the hotel instead of exploring the beautiful city of Nashville—to where we seriously thought about picking up and moving—we realized that maybe we had a while before we could get things started.) Congratulations Kate and Brent, and best wishes for a long and happy life together!

Work. There's not much to say about that. I’ve been working, husband has been studying, and nobody has been doing laundry. And that catches you up!

1 comment:

ajayhawk said...
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