Our own celebration began Friday night, with a lovely evening at our neighborhood Italian restaurant, Dupont Italian Kitchen (lovingly referred to by locals as “DIKs”). We claimed the very last outdoor table so that we could relax and enjoy the lovely evening weather, delicious food, and the always entertaining sights and sounds of DC on a Friday night. Dinner got a lot more flavor, however, when the underwear models showed up. In their work clothes. Because really, the best way to sell underwear is to send a loud pack of half a dozen male models to gallivant around Dupont Circle in very small boxer-briefs.
That was just a warm-up to the next day’s festivities. Since we live basically on the parade route and had been hearing the rowdy crowd since noon, we just couldn’t bring ourselves to stay inside and work (it would have been hard to work with all that racket anyway). So we headed out to enjoy the experience. And experience we did.
Turns out, there are cowboys in DC too.

And fun hair-dos.
And leather.
And beauty pageant queens.
All things you can find in Oklahoma, right?
We saw lots of debauchery, and other things we’d never seen before. But we also saw things that moved us (well me) to tears. Like the group of parents marching with signs that said “we love our kids.” And the “marriage is a civil right” signs being carried by the children of gay parents. And the churches and synagogues who sent representatives to show their support.
All in all, an excellent way to spend a Saturday night.
1 comment:
huzzah, underwear models!!
I actually did pride stuff in 3 different cities last week, holy crap. I ended up at KC's little shindig on Friday completely by accident. It was kind of lame (no surprises there) but I was with my sister and her boyfriend, so we danced a little, and that was fun.
Then on . . . Wednesday? I was at a drag show in a teensy club in Rochester, NY, which was fantastic and way more fun than I had hoped for.
And Friday I did a pub crawl in Lansing MI with a really pretty former Judo boyfriend. Which, first of all, really pretty boy, and second? Lansing had enough gay clubs to do a pub crawl, which totally rocked. I danced waaaaaay more than anybody needed to see, but it was all ok, because I also drank more than anybody needed to see, as well. There may even have been tipsy cartwheels and latin dancing and jello shots, my god.
aaaaaaand then I drove home. for 14 hours. I'm *almost* recovered. I think.
Also, just as a little addition to an already huge comment: it makes me incredibly happy to see blissfully married straight couples participating in, enjoying, and supporting something like pride week in DC. Not that I expected anything less of you, I guess, but . . . you guys rock. A lot. Good to hear from you again.
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