Friday, September 26, 2008


Hi all!

We are safely in Assisi, and loving it. It's a beautiful small well kept medieval town with lots of history. Will post more later. Hope that the economic news isn't getting you all too down back home. If it is, feel free to join us over here. Also, does anyone know if the debates are taking place? If so, please feel free to post a summary for us out of the loopers!

1 comment:

Jack's Momma said...

Debate is back on. McCain had suggested at one point yesterday that they move the pres debate back to the slot of the VP debate and postpone the VP debate indefinitely. Not kidding. He really suggested that. Who didn't see that one coming?

Will email you with observations after the debate tonight. Oh, and with the London schedule thing I intended to send forever ago.

Love the updates--you're so dedicated to keep up with them this well while you're on such an amazing vacation!