Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rain, rain... go away!

...Come back after we're gone!

It been raining, raining, and raining some more here. And we thought we escaped Ike! How about yIKEs! Other than the wet nuisance, it's been absolutely wonderful to wander about the mountainside Swiss villages. You know those postcards with cute little wooden/log homes with colorful shutters, flowers on the window sill, situated in a lush and rolling green pasture with a giantantic mountain in the background? Yeah - it really exists!

We'll write more later!


ashok said...

Hello! enjoy rain and your vacation.
Mom and Dad

JayhawkAMSA said...

Loved reading about the trip so far! Sounds like you're having fun and seeing a lot and I hope the rain stops and you get some sun in Switzerland...I'm sure they'll all appreciate it!

I can't wait to see the pictures!! Have a very happy/safe trip!