Hi all! I apologize for the delay in posting. We've been on a whirlwind trip so far. We left DC at 8pm and arrived in London Wednesday morning at 10am -- but of course, it was only a seven hour trip. So we were a bit exhausted! But we were welcomed with unbelievable hospitality by Harishada and Kirtikaki and Richa and Angel (the rabbit). They had scrumptious food on the table, a warm bed, and wonderful conversation. We got to see Richa's new school uniform, and we got to experience London living. We also went visiting many family members. It was wonderful to get to see (and often, in my case, meet) them. Richa and Kirtikaki also had recently returned from India, with wonderful gifts for everyone (they are sooo thoughtful!). We also got to hear all about the wedding plans for Kayur and Claire, which are in full swing. It should be a great time.
We mostly visited with family on this leg of the London trip, but we did take a few hours to tour London in style. Rameshada graciously loaned us a company car and driver, and we drove around like very special and posh people. We got to see Buckingham Palace (we even saw the changing of the guard! That was awesome), the Parliament and Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, Regent's Park and gardens, Trafalgar Square, and numerous other sites. London is a great city--a unique mix of the ancient and the modern. The people are quite well-dressed and sophisticated. You hear numerous languages spoken all over. However, the streets are incredibly narow and windy, the buildings are small, detailed and unique, and the people have a sense of history that Americans have to admire. We mentioned that our new apartment building in DC was very old--built in 1905. Then Claire, the soon-to-be other mzungu in the family, informed us that she used to have piano lessons in a house that was built in the sixteenth century!
(Also, for those who were wondering, we flew from London to Geneva, so we were not affected by the chunnel fire. But thanks for your concern!)
We hope that all is well with you. Thanks for all of your comments and emails!
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